SBS Annual meeting and Environmental Seminar, 29 maj 2014

SBS Annual Meeting and Environmental Seminar

29 May 2014 at BLIA Rosersberg

SBS Annual Meeting and environmental seminar was held this year at the Buddha's Light International Association (BLIA) Rosersberg. SBS representatives from member organizations gathered in the great hall on the upper floor of the temple building, after initially having been welcomed by nuns and volunteers at BLIA at the entrance. Near the entrance, downstairs is also a beautiful and spacious temple hall.

The temple hall
The temple hall

SBS representatives and deputies during the SBS Annual Meeting
SBS representatives and deputies during the SBS Annual Meeting

SBS representatives and deputies during the SBS Annual Meeting
SBS representatives and deputies during the SBS Annual Meeting

SBS representatives and deputies during the SBS Annual Meeting, Sangha
SBS representatives and deputies during the SBS Annual Meeting, Sangha

BLIA offered a delicious vegetarian lunch, which was served in the canteen on the ground floor.

BLIA offered a delicious vegetarian lunch
BLIA offered a delicious vegetarian lunch

After the annual meeting and a delicious lunch, the program continued with the environmental seminar. Other Buddhists from Buddhist organizations around Sweden joined the SBS Board and representatives on the afternoon, to discuss environmental issues from a Buddhist perspective and how we as Buddhists can contribute regarding taking care of the environment.

A panel opened the seminar. In the panel were three persons, SBS chairman Trudy Fredriksson, Marie Eriksson from Vipassanagruppen, Satyaprabha from Triratna and Venerable Thich Phuoc Tinh from Phat Quang Temple in Gothenburg. Trudy read initially through an inspiring message from SBS to UN Vesak 2014. The greeting to the UN Vesak 2014 SBS highlighted the concern for the environment and for future generations.

You can read the greeting to UN Vesak 2014 (in English):

Message to UN Vesak celebration 2014 in Vietnam.

Marie Ericsson from Vipassanagruppen then read a text about the environmental crisis and how it is linked to a Buddhist view, that a person's inner attitude is reflected in what is then happening in the external world.

Satyaprabha continued the panel discussion and shared his reflection on the environmental situation in the world today. He said, that the Mother Earth is not feeling well and that the environmental degradation is a slow but ongoing process. In particular, he emphasized the problem of global warming and at the same time gave some suggestions on what we can do about it.

In conclusion, Venerable Thich Phuoc Tinh from Gothenburg spoke about the importance of being a role model for others and thus being able to influence others indirectly, by statuating an axample and by oneself living in an environmentally friendly way.

After the coffee break the seminar continued. The participants were divided into four groups. Each group was assigned a problem that group participants would discuss. Conclusions, suggestions, opinions and recommendations on the matter were then presented in a summary of the discussion from each group.

Coffee break at BLIA
Coffee break at BLIA

Circle Formation in the meeting room encouraged everyone's participation and open discussions

Circle Formation in the meeting room encouraged everyone's

participation and open discussions

Discussion group
Discussion group

Discussion group
Discussion group

Discussion group
Discussion group

During the summary of the group discussions a lot of useful information, tips and reflections were presented on what we can do for the environment, both as individuals and as a Buddhist Associations and Organizations.

Participants felt inspired to act on spreading the message of environmental progress in their networks and to try to apply themselves more of the environmental life style into their daily lives.

Trudy Fredriksson read a letter from Archbishop about our attitude and how it affects the environment. Trudy also emphasized that we as Buddhists need to be more visible in environmental work and spread the message among our acquaintances and within our networks.

The day and the seminar ended with a prayer and a wish to spread the positive energy from this day all over the earth, for the sake of the happiness and prosperity of all beings.

At BLIA, a statue of Quan Yin (Avalokitesvara on Sanskrit), a Buddha of Compassion
At BLIA, a statue of Quan Yin (Avalokitesvara on Sanskrit), a Buddha of Compassion
