Contact SBS

If you have questions about SBS, please contact us at the postal address below or send an e-mail. We are sorry, but we can not answer general questions about buddhism or help with school assignments.

If you have such general questions or questions concerning our member organisations, please contact them directly. To the members

Information about membership and application forms:
To application forms (in Swedish)

Mail addresses to the Board:
Chairwoman Trudy Fredriksson: or mobile phone 076-205 2709

Vice chairman Bhante Dhammaratana:

Secretary Katja Panova:

Postal address:
Sveriges Buddhistiska Samarbetsråd (SBS)
Erstagatan 31
116 36 Stockholm

Organisation number: 802017-7260

SBS plusgiro nr: 169 34 99 - 4

SBS home page is designed by Marie Ericsson